Edited By: Senac SP
Building: Softback
Dimensions: 21.08 x 21.34 x 1.52 cm
Language: Portuguese
The Unilabor furniture factory is an example of a self-management experience in the 1950-1960s, carried out by ideological men such as Brother João Batista Pereira dos Santos, Dominican, Geraldo de Barros, painter and photographer who would become a competent furniture designer, and an enthusiastic group of workers who, with an idea of a work community of religious, humanistic and aesthetic inspiration, engaged in this project.
In the neighborhood of Alto do Ipiranga, in the 1950s, there was a singular experience of worker self-management in an enterprise connected to a chapel and a furniture factory. A Dominican friar took the initiative and took the lead in community activities at the furniture factory, Unilabor. This experience started by artists of the size of Alfredo Volpi, Bruno Giorgi, Yolanda Mohalyi and Elisabeth Nobiling working integrated without pay and continued by a group of workers organized through self-management and passionate idealists, lasted seventeen years and ended as if condemned to oblivion. Mauro Claro’s book originated from her master's dissertation written while studying at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of São Paulo (FAU-USP), for which she received the 1999 Fulvio Nanni Design Award from the Museu da Casa Brasileira, in São Paulo.