MILAN, 1992
Publisher: Leonardo De Luca, Roma
Edited By: Giuliana Gramigna
Building: Hardback
Dimensions: 32 x 25 cm
Language: Italian
Pages: 380
A beautiful monograph dedicated to Osvaldo Borsani, an architect and designer whose legacy in the interior design of the twentieth century is of great significance. His many conT ‘direct participations at the Milan Triennials. Borsani gained experience in the Atelier of Varedo, founded by his father Gaetano, who designed and manufactured art furniture: first in the Déco style, then, starting from the 1930s, with a more rationalist imprint. In the early fifties, Osvaldo, in his early forties, created Tecno, a company with the vocation of building technologically advanced furniture, destined for success.