FEB 2012 - MAY 2019
Think Twice, presents Reyes design and socially oriented projects, as well as a selection of Fernández’s recent pieces, with videos and specially commissioned floral intervention by Flores Cosmos. Fernández over the last few decades have created a forward-thinking fashion brand, internationally acclaimed, that combines equal interest in ethics and aesthetics. The brand’s politically aware design practice takes into consideration the condition of the design processes as well as the philosophy of creation rooted in the ethics of work, environmental issues and cultural preservation of indigenous processes. The brand has developed a deep complex network of collaborator in different regions of Mexico, creating workshops and coalitions with which their textile traditions are fostered and propagated within the international platform of contemporary fashion.
"Reyes has enjoyed exploring the complexities of modernism and technology development in relation to aesthetics and sociology."
On Pedro’s side, he has proved to be multifaceted artist, with elements of theatre, psychology and activism, in forms such as site-specific installations, musical recitals, conferences, therapy sessions and games among others. Reyes has enjoyed exploring the complexities of modernism and technology development in relation to aesthetics and sociology. Always expanding his artistic boundaries and integrating new philosophies. His trajectory invites diverse audiences to consider creativity and communication as tools for transformation.