OCT 2017 - MAY 2018
There was also a moral theme to Después del fin del mundo. The exhibition invited the audience to contemplate the future of our planet, what will the earth be like in the second half of the 21st century? Can we continue to live as we are living? Do we have a responsibility as a society to the generations yet to be born?
The visionary show begged humankind to face the reality that in the coming decades. In the second half of the 21st century, we will have to stop emitting CO2 into the atmosphere forever. The exhibition is a demonstration of the present and future of climate crisis: a journey to the landscapes of the Anthropocene planet; and a conversation with the humans and non-humans of the year 2100.
A multitude of creative thinkers including artists, philosophers, novelists, playwrights, architects, speculative designers and scientists came together to imagine future situations, and to tell a story of the direction we are heading, as well as to devise strategies for survival and peaceful cohabitation in the world to come. The result is a hypnotic and startling experience, one that exposes the trauma caused by the magnitude of the crisis and the disappearance of the world we once knew, but also one that speaks of the opportunity for change and of the pressing need for an intergenerational pact.
"The exhibition invited the audience to contemplate the future of our planet, what will the earth be like in the second half of the 21st century?"
After the End of the World was composed of eight immersive installations, notable examples were: the German documentary theatre company Rimini Protokoll, developed a dramatic experience on the animal species who are seen the winners and losers in the climate crisis; Tomás Saraceno, presented Aerocene, a utopian architectural project that envisaged the atmosphere as a new territory for humankind to expand into; and the Unknown Fields Division (Kate Davies + Liam Young), ran expeditions into the Anthropocene that took us on a journey through the global infrastructures of fashion while exploring the planetary landscapes of desire. The mentioned installations were just a few among many ground breaking futuristic phenomenon conceptualized by a large group of multifaceted forward thinking creative minds.