MADRID, 2018
Publisher: Fundació Juan March
Edited By: Maria Toledo Gutiérrez
Printer: Estudios Gráficos Europeos. S.A., Madrid
Building: Hardback
Dimensions: 25 x 29 cm
Language: Spanish / English
Pages: 573
This volume was published by the Fundación March in conjunction with the first exhibition held in Spain on the Italian/Brazilian architect Lina Bo Bardi. The exhibition and book alike divulge how Bo Bardi’s life interests and hobbies shaped her architecture, not vice a versa. In order to recreate and understand Bo Bardi’s inspiration, the exhibition presented her works amongst the works of other artists -famous, anonyms and indigenous -, the popular artists of Brazil that the activist fell in love with. This authentic art, Bo Bardi drew attention to. Before her, indigenous or “popular” local art was not appreciated, in essence, Lina helped Brazilians discover the importance of their own popular art and culture. She was one of the most important cultural activists of her time, contributing greatly to the creation of the Bahianan culture, which inspired the Tropicalist movement and led to socio and cultural changes in the area.